Become a friend of Courtisane

Become a friend of Courtisane in 2025 and support our organisation by making a financial contribution. You help us to realize our ambitious plans, to guarantee a fair fee for all artists and helping hands, and to be able to welcome artists at our festival. Thanks to you, we can continue to build a community where (film)makers and audiences can engage and get to know each other.

You can choose between three options:

A support of €70 gives you access in 2025 to all the screenings, performances and lectures during the festival and throughout the year.

The €100 support gives you all of the above, and you will additionally receive two Courtisane publications of your choice.

The highest support, of €250, gives you all of the above without any additional perks - it simply reflects your unconditional support for Courtisane.




If you cannot pay via PayPal, need an invoice or want more information: please contact us via