05: Caiyou riji (Crude Oil)
Free entrance to this film screening on Friday and Sunday between 10h00 and midnight.
Courtisane is een platform voor film en audiovisuele kunsten. In de vorm van een jaarlijks festival, filmvertoningen, gesprekken en publicaties onderzoeken we de relaties tussen beeld en wereld, esthetiek en politiek, experiment en engagement.
Courtisane is a platform for film and audiovisual arts. Through a yearly festival, film screenings, talks and publications, we research the relations between image and world, aesthetics and politics, experiment and engagement.
Free entrance to this film screening on Friday and Sunday between 10h00 and midnight.
When Wang Bing set out to make Crude Oil, he had planned a 70-hour film, with 10 hours to be shot every day over a period of a week. Although he was forced to leave the location due to altitude sickness, the filmmaker was still able to produce an epic 14-hour film that documents the daily routines, difficulties, and leisure of a group of workers in a Gobi Desert oil field.
Mandarin with English subtitles