Another Fiction
Two very special ways to tell a story...
Courtisane is een platform voor film en audiovisuele kunsten. In de vorm van een jaarlijks festival, filmvertoningen, gesprekken en publicaties onderzoeken we de relaties tussen beeld en wereld, esthetiek en politiek, experiment en engagement.
Courtisane is a platform for film and audiovisual arts. Through a yearly festival, film screenings, talks and publications, we research the relations between image and world, aesthetics and politics, experiment and engagement.
Two very special ways to tell a story...
An in memoriam for Mark Lapore, made with the blockbuster hi-def game Grand Theft Auto IV.
Otolith III uses The Alien, the unrealised screenplay of Bengali director Satyajit Ray, as its starting point. It would have been the first science fiction film to be set in India. Otolith returns to 1967, when the script was written, to propose an alternative history in which the protagonists of The Alien try to seize the production means in order to create the conditions for their fictional existence. Otolith III is a premake: a remake of a film before the original.