Dream a Tale
Is this really happening?
Courtisane is een platform voor film en audiovisuele kunsten. In de vorm van een jaarlijks festival, filmvertoningen, gesprekken en publicaties onderzoeken we de relaties tussen beeld en wereld, esthetiek en politiek, experiment en engagement.
Courtisane is a platform for film and audiovisual arts. Through a yearly festival, film screenings, talks and publications, we research the relations between image and world, aesthetics and politics, experiment and engagement.
Is this really happening?
A garbage symphony, true to Mary Poppins’s credo: “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Joosse shows the functioning of a recycling factory, as if it was a talent scout. The workmen as well as the garbage put their best musical feet forward.
Isabelle Tollenaere sketches two parallel worlds, populated by the same characters. Trains glide through the landscape. The sun comes up. A couple takes care of their miniature landscape. A temperate ode to the love of life, and maybe even a pamphlet against the endangered status of the panda bear.
A group of Swedish people move to Alaska, trying their luck in an all snow environment. With among others Kim Hiorthoy.
A stranger comes to town... And changes the life of Lisa, a deaf girl who lives isolated with her mother. The Canary is a mysterious tale, fitted in raw Super8 images and a close to the skin soundtrack.
An enchanting shadow puppet play, set in motion by the parting of a bird and his best friend. The girl heads for the woods, and that’s where the dreaming begins. Or is that also just a dream? A tale of friendship and loss, shot in the old analogue tradition, which results in an indefinable beauty.