Drifting from fiction to documentary, Greatest hits tells the story of Emilio, a man in his fifties who shows up at the family home after fifteen years of absence. His wife and his twenty-eight year old son receive him with bitterness and confusion. After a couple of days they decide to kick him out, only to find out that he has left on his own accord. The son ends up tracking down Emilio and spends a couple of days hanging out with him in his apartment.
"After making several films with the same actors playing similar roles I decided to make a film about the process of representation. This opened a world of new possibilities including rehearsals, repetitions and interactions between fictional characters and the actors playing those characters. I continued this search by replacing one of the actors with my uncle half way into the shooting. My uncle enters the film as a documentary subject who has to relate to fictional characters that act as if he was one of them." N.P.