In the Midst of the End of the World
汾阳的喧嚣 Ironic Resonance, Anti-sound Design and Radical Cacophony in Jia Zhangke's 小 Xiao 武 Wu
Breath, Rhythm, Silence, Resonance: Listening Beyond Seeing in the Films of Trinh T. Minh-ha
Alia Syed: Imprints, Documents, Fictions
Living on air: the films and words of Sandra Lahire
Michel Khleifi, Mémoire Fertile / Fertile Memory
Of Sea and Soil: The Cinema of Tsuchimoto Noriaki and Ogawa Shinsuke
Pas de deux, Le cinema de Anne-Marie Miéville
Pas de deux, The Cinema of Anne-Marie Miéville
Wang Bing, Filming a Land in Flux
The Rambling Figures of Mani Kaul
Hong Sang-Soo, Infinite Worlds Possible