Die Macht der Männer ist die Geduld der Frauen

1 July, 2024 - 18:0019 August, 2024 - 20:15

German spoken, French subtitles

Die Macht der Männer ist die Geduld der Frauen

Cristina Perincioli

Cristina Perincioli collaborated with women from the first women’s shelter in Germany to stage and examine their experiences escaping violence in their relationships. Alternating between restaged events and discussion between the women, Perincioli gives space for the processing of trauma through dialogue, making visible the often hidden realities of domestic violence.

I have constructed narratives to awaken the viewer’s emotions, feelings of anger and joy. These emotions have a power that can be tapped and directed so that people become actively involved in changing themselves or their world. My films’ upbeat endings represent the collective wish of those involved to show that things can work out. It’s not to give directions for a mass movement nor establish models but rather to create an atmosphere of hope and courage.” (Cristina Perincioli)